Finance at work

Thursday 9 and Friday 10 October 2014

Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
salle des conférences, bâtiment B

Comment venir ?

Valérie Boussard | IDHES-CNRS, Université Paris Ouest

Dans le cadre de l’ANR CARFI
En collaboration avec le CSO, le LISE, l’IRISSO et MaxPo.



Thursday 9 October 2014

9 h 30 – 9 h 45 Introduction
Valérie Boussard | IDHES-CNRS, Université Paris Ouest

9 h 45 – 10 h 45
Franck Dobbin | Harvard University
“The Fund-Manager Value Revolution : The Crisis and the Failure of Shareholder Value”

11h – 12h45 two parallel sessions

Session 1. How Networks Make Markets
Chair : Marie-Anne Dujarier | LISE-CNRS, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris

Discussant : E. Lazega | CSO, Sciences Po Paris

Valérie Boussard | IDHES, Olivier Godechot | OSC, MaxPo, Sylvain Thine | PSE, Nicolas Woloszko | ENS Cachan
“Stratification in French Mergers and Acquistions (M&A) market”

Adam Leaver | CRESC, University of Manchester and Daniel Tischer | Oxford University
“A Social Network Analysis Of CDOs”

Yamina Tadjeddine | EconomiX, Université Paris Ouest
“Economic Coordination Regimes between Investment Fund Sellers and Institutional Investors”


Session 2. Finance Performed by Politics
Chair : Horacio Ortiz | CSI, Mines ParisTech

Discussant : Martha Poon | LSE / CARR

Georgios Vassalos | Université de Strasbourg
“Financial interest groups’ involvement in the revision of the EU Markets in Financial Instruments Directive” (2010-2014)

Quentin Ravelli | CMH-CNRS, Paris
“Spanish Subprimes? The new social role of banks at the origins of the financial crisis”

François Denord | CSE-EHESS, Paris, Paul Lagneau-Ymonet | IRISSO-CNRS, Université Paris Dauphine and Sylvain Thine | PSE
“Mapping the Social Space of Financiers”


14 h – 16 h 30 two parallel sessions

Session 3. Being a Financier
Chair : Marlène Benquet | IRISSO-CNRS, Université Paris Dauphine

Discussant : Ève Chiapello | CEMS, EHESS, Paris

Fabien Fourault | CSO-CNRS, Sciences Po Paris
“How investors think: the quest for value in Leveraged Buy-Outs”

Taylor Spears | School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh
“The organisation of derivatives ‘quant’ work and how it shapes the models they develop”

Valérie Boussard | IDHES-CNRS, Université Paris Ouest and Marie-Anne Dujarier | LISE-CNRS, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers
“Financialization in M&A sector: building a normative frame to work and win”

Ekaterina Svetlova | Karlshochschule International University
“Value without valuation? The market of contingent convertible bonds” (cocos)


Session 4. Social Process of Commodification
Chair : Joël Lailler | PRISSMH-SOI, Université Toulouse 3

Discussant : Donald MacKenzie | University of Edinburgh

Samuel Pinaud | IDHES-CNRS, Université Paris Ouest
“Material for speculation. Financialization process of agricultural commodity markets analysed through international dairy commodity trader activity”

Antoine Ducastel | CIRAD, University of Pretoria and Ward Anseeuw | CIRAD, University of Pretoria
“Agriculture as an asset class? «Reshaping» the South African farming sector”

Janelle Knox-Hayes | School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology
“Disseminating Financial Logics through Environmental Governance: the valuation and trade of environmental services”

Gilles Laferté | CESAER, INRA
“Is the financialization of farmers’ personal capital an extension of their embourgeoisment?”

17 h – 18 h Karen Ho | University of Minnesota
“Mimicking Hedge Funds: Rethinking Risk, Return, and the Organization”


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Friday 10 October 2014

9 h – 10 h 45 two parallel sessions

Session 5. Blurred Boundaries between Financial and Political Actors
Chair : Benjamin Lemoine | IRISSO-CNRS, Université Paris Dauphine

Discussant : Antoine Vion | LEST-CNRS, Université Aix Marseille

Roberto Grun | Federal University of Sao Carlos
“Financialisation in a Left-wing environment”

Natasha Van der Zwan | University of Amsterdam
“Putting Finance to Work: How Unions Came to Embrace the Leveraged Buy-Out and Why They Ultimately Failed”

Emmanuel Lazega | CSO, Sciences Po Paris and Lise Mounier | CMH, ENS-CNRS
“Financial logic and bankers’ institutional entrepreneurship: The “Zombies” debate in bankruptcy proceedings at the Commercial Court of Paris (2000-2005)”


Session 6. Conflicts within Financial Occupations
Chair : Valérie Boussard | IDHES-CNRS, Université Paris Ouest

Discussant : Pierre François | CS0-CNRS, Sciences Po Paris

Camille Herlin-Giret | IRISSO-CNRS, Université Paris Dauphine
“Mettre la gestion de portefeuille à distance : une hiérarchie incertaine entre les tâches dans le conseil patrimonial”

Sabine Montagne | IRISSO-CNRS, Université Paris Dauphine
“Go-Go Managers versus Future Nobel Prize Laureates : The Genesis of the Modern”Professional Investor – 1962-1973

Anne Van der Graaf | MaxPo
“Negotiating Risk”


11 h – 13 h 30 Session 7. Careers within the Field of Finance
Chair : Marie-Anne Dujarier | LISE-CNRS, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris

Discussant : Frédéric Lebaron | Printemps, Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Antoine Machut | PACTE-CNRS, Université Grenoble Alpes
“Finance and journalism”

Valérie Boussard | IDHES-CNRS, Université Paris Ouest, Simon Paye | CSO-CNRS, Sciences Po Paris and Sylvain Thine | PSE
“Financialization through trajectories of business schools graduates

Claire Lemercier | CSO-CNRS, Sciences Po Paris et Pierre François | CSO-CNRS, Sciences Po Paris
“Finance in the French interlocking directorates networks: which financialization?”

Stéphanie Mignot-Gerard | IRG, UPEC, Constance Perrin-Joly | IRIS, Université Paris 13, François Sarfati | CEE, Nadège Vezinat | Regards, CMH, URCA
“Social, Ethnic and Gender Determinants of Graduate Students’ Professional Trajectories in Wealth & Portfolio Management”


14 h 30 – 17 h Round table

Financiers as workers, social science at work : going in depth with financialization’s understanding?
Chair: Pierre François (CSO-CNRS, Sciences Po Paris)

Frank Dobbin | Harvard University
Olivier Godechot | OSC-CNRS, MaxPo, Sciences Po Paris et Karen Ho | University of Minnesota
Donald MacKenzie | University of Edinburgh
Sabine Montagne | IRISSO-CNRS, Université Paris Dauphine



Le programme (pdf)


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