Les économies pré-industrielles : catégories et temporalités


Le mercredi, 16 h – 18 h ou 17 h – 19 h. Voir le programme ci-dessous.


Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
17, rue de la Sorbonne
75005 PARIS


Anne Conchon | université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, IDHE.S


Mercredi 23 janvier 2019, 16 h – 18 h, salle Picard 2
Julien Villain | Université d’Évry, IDHE.S
Gains et profits dans les économies pré-industrielles : nature, mesure et justifications

Mercredi 13 février 2019, 17 h – 19 h, salle Picard 2
Camille Dejardin
Une figure féminine de l’entrepreneuriat au XVIIIe siècle : Madame Blackey

Mercredi 13 mars 2019, 16 h – 18 h, salle Picard 2
Espaces et territoires de l’économie pré-industrielle

À lire : Guillaume Garner, « De la ville au territoire et au-delà : espace et régulation du commerce dans l’électorat de Mayence (seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle) », Revue d’Histoire Moderne & Contemporaine, vol. 60-1, 2013, p. 131-154, et Pierre Dockès, « The birth of concepts of the trading space in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries », Journal of the History of Economic Thought, June 1990, Vol. 12 (2), p. 124-145.

Mercredi 27 mars 2019, 16 h – 19 h, salle Picard 2
Présentations de travaux d’étudiants

Mercredi 3 avril 2019, 17 h – 19 h, salle Perroy
Julian Hoppit | University College London
Britain’s political economies: parliament and economic life, 1660-1800

In recent years a number of historians have refreshed old accounts of the significance of ‘mercantilism’ to Britain’s early industrial revolution. They have argued for the importance of central government action, especially through warfare, empire, and protectionism. In this they have built upon literature from the 1980s and 1990s about Britain’s success as a ‘fiscal-military state’. My paper questions these interpretations by looking comprehensively at what parliament legislated upon with regard to economic life. I will show that much economic legislation was personal and local in its concerns, requiring a more ‘de-centred’ view of political economy as practice. Additionally, general economic legislation was often less effective than is commonly argued and liable to be obeyed more in some places than in others. Britain’s state was far from homogenous and lacked effective means of enforcement, making it ultimately highly dependent upon building legitimacy and local elites.

Mercredi 10 avril 2019, 17 h – 19 h, salle Perroy
Julian Hoppit  | University College London
The dreadful monster and its poor relations: Britain as a union state, 1707-1914

In 1707 the parliament at Edinburgh was swallowed by the Westminster parliament. In 1801 the same thing happened to the parliament at Dublin, though on different terms. These were key moments in the development of the United Kingdom. This paper considers the financial relations of the union state. In both Scotland and Ireland, England was likened to a dreadful monster in its demands for more and more money. In England, there was a tendency to view their new partners as poor relations, constantly begging for aid. But while Scotland gradually became broadly content with the fiscal union, Ireland never did. This paper considers the flows of money between the nations of the UK and the debates those flows prompted.

Mercredi 17 avril 2019, 16 h – 19 h, salle Picard 2
Présentations de travaux d’étudiants


Crédits (de gauche à droite) : Robert Bénard, Marchande de mode in Diderot et d’Alembert, L’encyclopédie, volume 33, supplément 5, Planches, Paris, Panckoucke, 1779, p. 341 ; Louis XIV [autorité émettrice de monnaie], Monnaie, 2 sols, Strasbourg, / Bibliothèque nationale de France ; Samuel Ricard, L’art de tenir les livres de comptes en parties doubles, frontispice gravé en taille-douce, Amsterdam, Paul Maret, 1709.

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