Words in the news
Les mots de la presse anglaise et américaine. Lexique anglais-français
Leslie Thompson
Date : décembre 2016
ISBN : 978-2-275-04951-9
208 p.
L’utilisateur pourra se l’approprier, soit dans le cadre d’un cursus d’études, pour acquérir un lexique de base ; soit le consulter, au gré de sa lecture de la presse, afin de préciser le sens d’un mot ou d’une expression ; soit l’aborder par l’index français pour trouver une transposition en anglais de mots rencontrés au cours de sa lecture de la presse francophone.
Words in the News is an English-French lexicon intended for regular users of the press: journalists, teachers, students, researchers, translators or for any reader looking for the French translation, in context, of words and expressions typically found in newspapers. The seven hundred entries listed are adapted from the quality English-language press, including The Guardian, The Economist, The International New York Times, The Washington Post.
They address a number of contemporary issues, ranging from international relations, trade, economics and politics to matters of law and society.
This book will meet the needs of students wishing to acquire a stock of words and phrases used in newspapers today. It will also serve as a useful source for the reader wishing to check the French equivalent of an expression. The French index can be used as a practical starting point for advanced students of French wishing to enrich their knowledge of the language.