Gendered Finance. Women and Banks in the 20th century

Sabine Effosse et Maria-Rosaria De Rosa (dir.)

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Quaderni storici
Rivista quadrimestrale

n° 166,  2021/1, avril
ISBN : 978-88-15-29750-1
285 p.

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Gendered Finance. Women and Banks in the 20th century

Sabine Effosse et Maria Rosaria De Rosa
p. 3-11, DOI: 10.1408/101553

Janette Rutterford
The Forgotten Investors: Women Investors in England and Wales 1870 to 1935
p. 13-35, DOI : 10.1408/101554

Susana Martínez-Rodríguez
Female Shareholders of Private Spanish Banks (1920-1948). A First Approach
p. 37-60, DOI : 10.1408/101555

Shennette Garrett-Scott
«What Think You of This?». The St. Luke Bank and Jane Crow Regulation in the Early-20 th Century United States
p. 37-60, DOI: 10.1408/101556

Maria Rosaria De Rosa
«Ample collateral». Women’s Money, the Italian Laws and the Access to Bank Credit in the Twentieth Century
p. 89-116, DOI: 10.1408/101557

Sabine Effosse
Financial Empowerment for Married Women in France. The Matrimonial Regime Reform of 13 th July 1965
p. 117-141, DOI: 10.1408/101558

Miguel Gotor
La devozione frustrata in onore del teatino Andrea Castaldo Pescara. I «santificatori» napoletani e la manipolazione dei corpi carismatici nella prima età moderna
p. 143-171, DOI: 10.1408/101559

Matteo Tacca
Pratiche di catastazione e riforme della maglia amministrativa rurale. Borgate e beni comuni nella Savoia del diciottesimo secolo
p. 173-196, DOI: 10.1408/101560


Donatella Strangio, Mattia Fochesato
A proposito di «Good Economics for Hard Times» di Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee ed Esther Duflo
p. 197-214, DOI: 10.1408/101561

Alessandro De Magistris
About £ukasz Stanek’s «Architecture in Global Socialism»
p. 215-227, DOI: 10.1408/101562

Forum: Covid-19 (2)

Guido Franzinetti
The End of the Belle Époque. The present as history
p. 229-237, DOI: 10.1408/101563

 Mauro Ambrosoli
«Invisible» innovators and Political Communication between Padua, the Low Countries and England. Samuel Hartlib and his Circle
p. 241-281, DOI: 10.1408/101564

Giovanni Romano
«Un «case-study»: Casale nel Cinquecento
pp. 283-285, DOI: 10.1408/101565

La direction du dossier

Sabine Effosse est Professeure d’histoire contemporaine à l’Université Paris Nanterre, chercheure à l’IDHE.S.

Maria Rosaria De Rosa est enseignante à l’université Suor Orsola Benincasa Napoli.

Cette publication fait suite aux séminaires et journées d’étude organisés dans le cadre de l’IDHES :


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