Histories of Trade as Histories of Civilizations


Lundi 23 et mardi 24 septembre 2019


Università di Pisa
Palazzo alla Giornata
Lungarno Pacinotti 43
Sala Pro Rettori
Comment venir ?


Antonella Alimento | Università di Pisa ; Université Paris 8, IDHE.S


Aris Della Fontana | Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa


The objective of the Conference Histories of Trade as Histories of Civilizations is to analyze the Histories of commerce, understood as a peculiar literary genre that in eighteenth-century Europe investigated economic, political, intellectual and cultural changes generated by commercial society. Some of these histories were published, while others remained manuscript; some were published explicitly using in their titles the expression Histoire du commerce/History of Trade/Storia del Commercio, others disguised the object of their investigation under more general titles (Discours préliminaire, Introduction, Introduzione, An Historical Narrative), recorded change and put the relationship between the creation of wealth and the birth and decline of civilization at the core of their reflection. From Pierre-Daniel Huet̓’s Histoire du commerce et de la navigation des anciens (1713), to Guillaume-Thomas Raynal̓’s Histoire philosophique et politique des établissements des Européens dans les deux Indes (1770, 1774 and 1780), the authors of these works, and the political and administrative milieux to which in many cases they referred, were also confronted with the benefits and problems related to the discovery of the New World. Indeed, these works turned into genuine histories of European.


LUNDI 23 SEPTEMBRE 2019, 16 h – 19 h

16 h Francesco Marcelloni | Rector’s delegate for Internationalization, Università di Pisa
Welcome Address

16 h 15 Antonella Alimento | Università di Pisa ; Université Paris 8, IDHE.S
Introductory Remarks

Chair : Marco E.L. Guidi | Università di Pisa

16 h 45 Arnaud Orain | Université Paris 8 Saint-Denis
L’économie Antique, modèle ou contre-modèle pour le siècle des Lumières ? « L’histoire du commerce » chez les pédagogues jansénistes du XVIIIe siècle

17 h 15  Aris Della Fontana | Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
Ancient Rome as a field of tension. Antonio de Torres’ Memoria apologetica del commercio e coltura dei romani (1788-91) versus Francesco Mengotti’s Del commercio de’ Romani dalla prima guerra punica a Costantino (1787)

17 h 45 – 18 h 30 Discussion



Chair : Ere Nokkala | University of Helsinki

9 h  Koen Stapelbroek | Erasmus University Rotterdam and University of Sydney
The history of trade and the legitimacy of the Dutch Republic

9 h 30 Paul Cheney | University of Chicago
Doux Commerce and Dependency: Montesquieu and Early Modern Globalization

10 h Discussion

10 h 30 Coffee Break

Chair : Paul Cheney | University of Chicago

10 h 45 Arnault Skornicki | Université Paris Nanterre
« Un grain de bled est le germe des sceptres et des couronnes ». La contribution physiocratique à la philosophie de l’histoire

11 h 15 Jenny Mander | Newnham College, University of Cambridge
Forging a civilized modern society: Raynal’s temporal interpretation of the frivolity of the French nation

11 h 45 Discussion

12 h 45 Lunch Break

Chair : Arnault Skornicki | Université Paris Nanterre

14 h 30 Alida Clemente | Università di Foggia
Between coeval models and the glories of antiquity. Commerce, power, and institutions in the “histories” of the Genovesi’s school

15 h Pasquale Matarazzo | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Michele De Jorio : histoire et science du commerce à Naples à la fin du XVIIIe siècle

15 h 30 Discussion

16 h Coffee Break

Chair : Arnaud Orain | Université Paris 8 Saint-Denis

16 h 30 Antonella Alimento | Università di Pisa ; Université Paris 8, IDHE.S
Re-employing sources to reflect on civilisation: The case of the Dissertazione Storica sopra il commercio (1751)

17 h Ere Nokkala | University of Helsinki
August von Schlözer’s General History of Trade and of Seafaring (1758): The Idea of Trade as primus motor of Civilization

17 h 30 Monica Lupetti, Marco E. L. Guidi | Università di Pisa
Grammar, Translation, Trade and Empire: Jacob Nicolas Moreau’s L’Observateur Hollandais (1757-58) as a chronicle of trade and rivalry, its Portuguese translation, and Pombal’s Reforms

18 h – 19 h Concluding Discussion





Le programme (pdf)




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